
Lost is an American television series which originally aired on the American Broadcasting Company from September 22, 2004 to May 23, 2010. This Lost TV Series were created by Damon Lindelof, J.J. Abrams, and Jeffrey Lieber. The story follows the lives of the survivors of the crash of a commercial passenger jet flying between Sydney and Los Angeles, on a mysterious tropical island somewhere in the South Pacific.

Friday, June 11, 2010


The season continues the stories of a 40 people stranded on a remote island in the South Pacific, after their airplane crashed more for about 90 days prior to the beginning of the season. According to the producers , there are two main themes in this season : "the castaways" relationship to the freighter folk and who gets off the island and the fact that they need to get back. Lost Season 4 consists of 14 episodes. This fourth season was produced by ABC STUDIOS, Bad Robot Production and Grass Skirt Productions. This season featured 16 major roles with star billing. The show continues to chronicle the lives of the survivors, including their interactions with the island's original inhabitants team from a nearby freighter.

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